"Democracy is the power of the well-informed people"
Oana PapinThe November 2016 Parliamentary Elections are a unique opportunity to vote for those who represent us in Parliament. Change cannot happen without our involvement in the democratic process. The election result, when it is...
120 days of activity
Oana Papin120 days since the Foundation started its work. What has happened during this period? In the first 2 months, the main priorities were the crystallisation of the Foundation's vision and the creation of the core organisation; In the...
15 things we learned as a foundation in the Netherlands
Oana PapinWe collaborate. Alone we can't achieve much, together the possibilities are endless. We can be trusted. We do what we say, we are punctual, we have integrity, we are honest. We are competent, even if not always 'the best'. We're not afraid to...