We'll be back with a release about our activities and events in the near future.

First of all, we would like to thank you for all the messages of encouragement and offers of help sent during this early period. We are glad to know that you are with us.

Latest five weeks have been intense for us. We have worked, developed and created a programme and a vision together so that today we can say with satisfaction that we have a great team, that we know where we are going and how we can achieve what we want.

We are also happy to announce that foundation website www.rompro.nl is active and complete in two languages (Romanian and English) and partly in Dutch.

Much of our work has been focused on establishing our internal structure and presenting ourselves online. You can now find us not only on Facebook and the website, but also on Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn, where you are welcome to follow us and participate in discussions. On the internal structure side, we have organised ourselves in 6 basic functions and in each of these functions we have defined the starting team and set the first steps to be followed.

We invite you to join us in the development of this community by attending the official launch of the Foundation:  

Due to the limited number of participants we encourage you to register as soon as possible.



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