Reading in Romanian available to Romanians in the Netherlands!

We come to the aid of all those who are passionate about reading in Romanian but also to those who wish to maintain contact with their mother tongue through books. At the end of 2019 we launched, in collaboration with OBA (Openbare Blibliotheek Amsterdam), the first collection of books in Romanian! We have 200 titles for adults and approximately 50 for children, from all representative genres available at OBA headquarters. The Romanian library includes classic and contemporary authors, prose, poetry, essays, biographies, books written mainly by Romanian authors, but also international translations of Romanian books.

Since a library is the best way to read together and share experiences, we need the help and involvement of the whole Romanian community. The collection will be based on books already donated by lovers of reading in Romanian, but we aim to collect other outstanding titles through a crowdfunding campaign. Because we really want to have a library of our own! For details on how you can help, send an email to

And this is just the beginning. In addition to the books themselves, we want this initiative to facilitate access for Romanians in the Netherlands to significant new Romanian literary publications. To this end, we will also organize launches, meetings with Romanian authors, thematic series, all revolving around books. In the coming years we hope to collect around 3000 titles and make them available to all Romanians in the Netherlands!

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From the library


Biblio Live

BiebRO Team

"Romanian Library Netherlands is a project initiated by ROMPRO - Romanians for Romanians Foundation Netherlands.

The project is carried out in collaboration with OBA - Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam

Project realized with the support of 

Note: The content of this website does not represent the official position of the Department for Romanians Abroad.

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