November also comes with events from Rompro Social, both online and offline. We look forward to seeing you! These events are organised with the support of the Department for Romanians Abroad, a project running from March to November 2023. Toeslag - Social benefits in the Netherlands On 2 November, from 20.00 (Dutch time) or 21.00 (Romanian time) we are Live on Facebook and...

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If you run a small business in the Netherlands, you may be eligible for the Small Business Scheme (kleineondernemersregeling, KOR ). Small Business Scheme Entrepreneurs with a turnover of less than EUR 20,000 per year may be exempt from paying VAT. If you participate in the small business scheme, you will not pay VAT to your customers and you do not pay VAT to the Dutch tax authorities...

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Self-employed income tax in the Netherlands Belastingdienst (the Dutch tax administration) applies various criteria to determine whether you are an entrepreneur; such as the number of customers your business has, the activities you carry out, whether you make a profit and how much, etc. If you meet these criteria, you will have to pay income tax. Tax for self-employed and self-employed traders in the Netherlands...

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Esti exploatat la munca?

I'm exploited at work. What should I do? The first step is to make your case known to the local authorities. Rompro advises you to lodge an official complaint with the Dutch Labour Inspectorate (SZW) in case of abuse, or contact the Fairwork association, which will look into the situation and help you with your complaint to the various institutions. Why should I complain? Because it's...

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