Atelier Deventer - Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization

Text and photos: Veronica Filipoiu

On Friday we had a very nice lesson called "Me and my world - body, senses, family!"

Although we worked in a smaller team, it was a lesson full of energy and pro-activity.

We started by explaining the body parts, aided by a model puzzle. Each child wrote the corresponding body parts on their sheet, after writing them on the board. Then they drew, coloured, assembled and dressed each man they created. It was an interactive exercise that the children enjoyed.

Then we did a relay game with different items in the room where the children had to say which body parts they would use. In this way, they were repeating the elements they had learned and were interested in saying them correctly in order to play the game and stimulate communication in Romanian.

We then created another game to discover the senses.

Towards the end we moved on to the table where the children drew their family members and told us a few words about their drawing.

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