2022 has been the most ambitious year since the opening of the Dutch Romanian Library so far, both online and in the physical space.
Throughout the year weekly meetings were held Facebook Live BiebRO Mondays during which we presented new books by Romanian authors, we promoted literary events that took place in the Netherlands but we also discussed with various guests including Bianca David - coordinator of the Club of Parents Pre(a)occupied with Reading, Rareș Turbatu - the young reader from the program His World Knows Everything, and with the coordinators of the network of the Library of the Young Children.
We also had a series of interviews with Romanian authors and illustrators.
On 2 February, on the occasion of Read Together Day we met online with the beloved author and translator Radu Paraschivescu. On 16 June we live-streamed the physical meeting we had with author Dana Grigorcea, an event organised together with the Romanian Embassy in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. An online recording of the meeting can be accessed here. On 10 November we met online with illustrator Ionuț R. Olaru, anticipating the physical meeting on 12 November at the BiebRO headquarters.
In terms of physical meetings, we (co-)organized 5 events, 3 of them at the BiebRO headquarters in the Amsterdam Public Library (OBA) and 2 of them at Nicolaaslyceum, the headquarters of the Romanian School Amsterdam.
On 20 March and 12 November we organised two reading sessions with Ioana Chicet-Macoveiciuc. At the second session we were joined by illustrator Ionuț R. Olaru.
On 16 June we physically met at OBA Oosterdok with author Dana Grigorcea, an event organised together with the Romanian Embassy in the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Together with the Romanian School Amsterdam we organized on October 12th the 5th edition of Kinderboekenweek: the Book Week with Dan Ungureanu and Michel Găvaza from Soleil De L'Est Association as guests.
Last but not least, on 26 November we organised an intensive workshop with young people from the Netherlands and young people from Romania from 9-17:00.
At the beginning of 2022 we initiated an evaluation session of the BiebRO Children's Reading Club. By means of a questionnaire, we collected feedback from parents both in terms of reporting on the reading club and expressing their wishes for such a project.
As a result, we decided to improve the format of the club, transforming it into a reading workshop, coordinated by Ana-Maria Pantiru.
The BiebROțeilor Workshop had two modules: a spring-summer module from March to mid-July, and an autumn-winter module from September to mid-December. Each module consisted of a mix of weekly online meetings plus two physical meetings held at the Public Library of Amsterdam, OBA, and at the same time the headquarters of the BiebRO Romanian Library Netherlands. The access of children and parents to this project was and remains free of charge, unconditional on any kind of membership (neither as a ROMPRO member, nor as a library subscriber, nor as a Romanian abroad). The BiebROțeilor workshop remained open to any child who wished to participate.
BiebRO on Wheels, Our project, in which we walk books from our collection between different cities in the Netherlands, continued in 2022. After a reorganisation of the packs and volunteer librarians, we ended the year with 12 locations from which books can be borrowed (in addition to those in public libraries).
Also this year we started the pilot project AIVI Media Hub Netherlands, in collaboration with AIVI Media Centre. The project aimed to create a bridge between young Romanians in Romania and young Romanians in the Netherlands based on their common passion for communication. The project was mainly addressed to young people aged 16-25.
Through a mix of online and in-person meetings, we aimed to provide participants with basic information on how to write an article, how to use images to communicate a message and how to promote their work through social media. For the physical event we invited young people from Romania, former participants and current volunteers in the AIVI Media Centre project, to the Netherlands, guided by their trainer and initiator of the AIVI project, Iulia Dromereschi. The aim of the meetings was to create opportunities for interaction between the two categories of young people but also to provide an example of how former participants in the AIVI Media Centre project can become trainers for new young people.
Also in 2022, we organised the first OBA in the Rompro shop window an exhibition of original illustrations signed by Dan Ungureanu, as well as prints signed by Ionuț R. Olaru. The illustrations could be admired for a whole month, access being free.