We would like to introduce you to Arjan, first Dutch in Romania that has next team.
"My name is Arjan Melger and I am the Count of... Gaiinistan! My generation is identified in the Netherlands with Jimi Hendrix ("Machine Gun"), and in Romania with Albatros from Bucharest ("București, București, città plin de șmecheri ești").
Since 2013 I live with my friend Iza (Hungarian) and our three dogs (Doutzen de la Hoya, Johnny Weissmuller and Carmen Sylva) in Laslau Mare, Mures county. After many years working in the Netherlands I am now receiving a sickness pension. Behind our house there are 30 acres of land, half of which we have cultivated corn and the other half we have organized the Molda camping, a place where life is lived in the rhythm of the wonderful place we live in. I studied and graduated in Dutch linguistics, now I translate Romanian poetry, write a blog and I am passionate about investigative journalism.
My first encounter with Romania was in the early 90s in the Teleki Bolyai Library in Targu Mures. From that moment Romania became my muse for the rest of my life. My life before I met Romania was spent working in a publishing house and making advertisements and graphics. As a hobby, I had a foundation that informed people about Romania and supported Romanians in the Netherlands. Not only did I do voluntary work, but I actually worked with municipalities, justice, hospitals and non-profit organisations.
For me the ROMPRO Foundation - Romanians For Romanians Netherlands is a dream come true. For it is not often that I have jumped to encourage or help Romanians in the Netherlands and show them that they are not alone. Through Facebook I was contacted by Cătălina Negru and from our discussions (and seeing what they are building) I got the urge to do voluntary work again and so I started to work with this foundation.
I'm here (online) when they need advice - I have thirty years of experience working with non-governmental organisations. I translate from and into Dutch, English, Romanian. And not only that, I also offer them my vast experience as a graphic designer and copywriter, I write and help proofread texts.
I do voluntary work for the Foundation, but I also offer my specialized services for those who wish to do so at the usual rates in Romania, through my consulting firm Bazinga Consultancy.
Ah, yes... The title of earl? I am the ambassador to Romania of the Free State of Gaiinistan, the state where all our chickens are free and happy!"
Thanks to Arjan for being with us!