1. Firstly, tell us a little bit about yourself. Who is Corina Hofs-Canamela?

I am simply Corina. As a child I was fascinated by old people, by their wisdom. I often asked my grandparents the question "Why?". Their answer motivated me to ask again and again: "But why?" I wanted to know more and more. Their life fascinated me!

Being fascinated by the mechanism of the human body in relation to nature, I started my studies in chemistry. In Romania I finished my studies in 1991 at Politehnică in Bucharest. I studied chemistry only because I was interested in the relationship between atoms and molecules in nature. But I had no intention to practice it. 

My dream was to become a kind of doctor who positively participated in people's health. In 1993 I decided to go to Holland. I left my parents behind, with tears in my eyes and sadness in my heart, but I told them: 'I am going out into the world in search of knowledge about true health. And I assure you that I will return to Romania when I will be the richest man in the world!". At that time I thought that you are rich if you have a lot of accumulated knowledge in the field that interests you. In fact, I longed for the freedom to think, to speak, to seek true knowledge. 

Interviu Corina Hofs 01

2. What brought you to tulip country?

In Romania we grew up with the idea: never give up! and the desire to think, speak and communicate freely and openly. The desire to learn what it means to think, speak, communicate and live freely sent me to the land of tulips!  

I came to the Netherlands in 1993. The Dutch Society, together with my partner John, our children - Jordi and Meliss - and John's parents gave me the chance to discover what I was looking for. I decided to start my Dutch language studies and at the same time study Medical Imaging. I was beginning to discover what I had dreamt of in my youth. 

During my practice, I discovered that modern chronic diseases (type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and various forms of cancer) are on the rise, and at younger and younger ages. Through imaging we could see that these diseases were gradually destroying our bodies, unaware of the risk and the irreversible damage that was already advanced. At a certain point, I came to the conclusion that it's not exactly what I want to do.  

As there are many institutions in the Netherlands where international experts work together to initiate and implement programmes for the prevention of modern chronic diseases influenced by people's lifestyles and the environment in which people live, I decided to start studying in this direction. But studies alone don't get you far, my teachers told me. Here in the Netherlands, you need practical experience and many voluntary internships to prove your competence. 

After being successful in different projects, you become strong professionally and gain the trust of those who see the potential in you. 

With an 'open mind' and an 'open heart' I have learnt, from experts and internationally successful people, how to add more value to population health. This is my personal journey in Population Health Promotion and Health Education. Because there is a difference between medical care and taking care of your own health. 

A message to all students: learn all your life from experienced and successful people if you want to succeed, develop and grow personally and professionally! Accept that we live in an ever-changing society! Choose only what you like to do and only people who give you the energy to grow in life, to become what you want and be who you want to be! In everything you do, choose only what adds value to your health!

Health is my passion. I am passionate about building bridges between science and the population, so that today's scientific knowledge is trustworthy and accessible to everyone, regardless of age, social, financial and intellectual level. 

With this mission, I participate in the Netherlands, together with professionals from all fields (medical, social, health and prevention, education, entrepreneurship, finance), in different projects.  

Working with experts from IPH - Institute for Positive Health, The Netherlands and Vereniging Arts en Leefstijl (Community of specialised and family doctors who support Lifestyle Medicine in the treatment pathway). We are like one big family with one mission: to make the Netherlands healthier.  

In fact, it's all about health, see Alles is Gezondheid. ( www.allesisgezondheid.nl

3.Tell us about the Positive Health project initiated by the Dutch Institute for Positive Health. 

In 2011, a Dutch family doctor, Machteld Huber, together with 37 other international physicians, formulated a new definition of health that complements the definition advocated by the World Health Organisation (WHO) since 1948. The team led by Machteld Huber realised that the global situation of chronic non-communicable diseases (type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, various forms of cancer, some forms of auto-immune diseases) should be taken into account in the new definition. This new definition gives a positive value to the idea of health by including the positive psychology model. 

Positive health is an approach that focuses not on illness but on people's meaningful lives. The focus is on people's resilience, self-management and adaptability and not on limitations or illness per se. 

The aim of the new definition of health as Positive Health is to initiate a new dialogue with yourself and those around you that will stimulate a healthier population and a healthier planet, Mother Nature. If you know what health is, then you are motivated to look after your own health and to pass on better health to other generations. Because everyone in the world has one overriding desire: to be HEALTHY. The Positive Health model is endorsed by the WHO. IPH, the Institute for Positive Health, together with the Institute for Science and Research, are building implementation methods and working with the mission to spread the concept internationally.  

The concept is currently being implemented as a mainstream prevention method in the form of projects in all areas in the Netherlands: hospitals, educational institutions, municipalities, public health, housing associations, entrepreneurs, ministries, industries. 

What does it mean to be Positively Healthy? The 6 dimensions are: 

  • Body functions - I feel healthy and fit. 
  • Mental well-being - I feel cheerful. 
  • The meaning of life - I trust in my own future. 
  • Quality of life - I like my life. 
  • Participate - I have good contact with other people. 
  • Everyday life - I can take care of myself, I know what healthy habits mean and I follow them every day.  

These dimensions are connected to each other in the term Positive Health.  

4. You have more than 25 years of experience in the field of Medicine (Radiology, Imaging) Health, Prevention (Cure and Core) and Healthcoaching in the Netherlands. What can you briefly share with us from this vast experience? What are the most important lessons you have learnt in this profession? 

I have been working for more than 25 years in Imaging, with a lot of passion, using the highest technology, in the medical system, where quality of service is the highest priority. 

The visualisation of the body, healthy organs and diseased organs still fascinates me. BUT it affects me enormously to see the evolution of modern chronic diseases, most of which are caused by unhealthy lifestyles. Together with fellow doctors, researchers and international institutes, we are witnessing the pandemic phase of these diseases worldwide. Through Imaging we make these diseases visible, but also their effects.  

I am fascinated by the power of the body to recover, in some cases, after serious accidents. The teamwork in the emergency department, the strength of spirit and the power to communicate calmly in cases of extreme tension together is for me the most beautiful moment of TOP nursing that I experience every time I am on call. 

By being active in prevention, it is my intention to participate in educating the population, to involve people in the process of continuous transformation in society so that they prioritise healthy habits. The motto I use is: Focus at all times on health! 

The journey from imaging to Positive Health promoter has shaped my broad vision of what health really means to me as a human being in my complex, challenging life. With all that I have learnt along the way I want to make an impact in the world and make the world healthier. Because I have only one desire: to pass on to children a healthier planet with healthier people. 

My greatest professional achievement is my role as International Positive Health Ambassador. I believe that every person in every world has the right to have true and up-to-date knowledge about how to take care of their own health and how to maintain it, in the midst of the challenges in society.  

5. You expressed your desire to help Romanian students in the Netherlands to realise the importance of maintaining optimal health. How do you intend to achieve this?

The Trimbos Institute is the Dutch national knowledge institute for mental health care, addiction care and social work. 

In the Netherlands there are 22 Health Funds that work together. They share a common mission: a longer healthy life for everyone in the Netherlands. Together with the Dutch government they have the same goal: "Our ambition is that by 2040 young Dutch people will be the healthiest in the world. Not because we want to win or be the best, but because we want to keep improving. And as long as there are other countries that offer their young people healthier lives, we can learn from them. We want to follow those good examples. In return, it would be great if, with all that we do and learn in the Netherlands in the coming years, we can inspire other countries to do even better for their youth. Because, after all, every child and young person deserves a healthy and happy life, regardless of origin, background or income."(Source: Gezondheids Fonden). 

I, as a Positive Health Ambassador, join them in their ambition. 

Through inspiration sessions and webinars, I intend to involve Romanian students in the project: from stress to success, in Romanian, in collaboration with the ROMPRO organisation. 

  • You're not the only one under stress, but you can do something about it.
  • What does stress do to your body and brain? 
  • If you don't want stress, what do you want? 
  • With theory you do nothing, practice, practice, practice, practice, that's success! 
  • Need a prevention buddy?  

For those interested, I offer health coaching through my company Hofs Consulting Health. The central theme is maintaining physical and mental health in the process of change with all the challenges in society.  

6. What can you tell us about the AFTERCARE programme you initiated in the province of Zeeland?

Wereld Kanker Onderzoek Fonds (The World Cancer Research Fund) has for almost 30 years been the Dutch authority on the relationship between nutrition, lifestyle and cancer. Together with professionals, experts and ambassadors, we want to give everyone a chance against cancer: a chance for prevention, survival and a better quality of life. 

Our experience is that medicines are more effective in combination with a healthy lifestyle, according to the grids specified by the Dutch Health Council (Gezondheids Raad).

 I believe that Romanians coming to the Netherlands have the same chances. In my experience, I believe that every person who is involved in the cancer disease process should be helped and counselled in their mother tongue. 

That is why, in 2023, I started a project in 2023 in co-ordinating, on a voluntary basis, two people from Zeeland, after their cancer diagnosis, in Healthcoaching AFTER Cancer. It is an intensive process with 1-1 contact once a week for 6 months, then once every 2 weeks for 6 months. The project has positive results. I intend to extend this project all over the Netherlands, for Romanian immigrants. 

7. How is the community you live in, did you feel welcome in the West?

At first we had difficulties. I especially felt the difference in mentality and culture. Every person is conditioned by the society in which he or she lives in the first years of life. My starting point when I arrived in the West was totally different compared to the community where I chose to build a new life. Quite quickly, in my very first year in the Netherlands, I discovered that I was comparing apples with pears. Such was the difference in mentalities. I recognised this early on and decided, quite early on, to accept the services of an integration coach in addition to Dutch language lessons. 

I consider it an advantage that I was always communicating with my Dutch family, friends and colleagues only in Dutch. For me, every day was a constant practice. 

We consciously chose to educate our children, both born in the Netherlands, in Dutch. My ideal has been to practise the Dutch language until I end up arguing and dreaming in Dutch. Only then am I truly fully integrated into Dutch society. I used and still use coaching support from nationally and internationally successful people.  

My project is successful. My greatest wish has been realised by becoming an international promoter of positive health.

8. One last question, as you have been living in the West for some time: do you have any advice for Romanians who are thinking of emigrating? What about for those already living here?

The Netherlands is an ambitious country that offers a wide range of opportunities for personal development. You feel accepted and embraced if you fit in with Dutch ambitions. I think the best starting point is the integration exam. In the process of passing this exam, you not only learn the language but also how Dutch society works. After that the real integration has to start.   

The Dutch find other cultures interesting and are open to new contacts. But Dutch society is based on its own culture and way of thinking.  

My appeal to you if you want to emigrate to the Netherlands: come to the Netherlands with an open mind, an open heart and an open will. Don't compare yourself with the Romanian culture and way of thinking, but be open to change, learn from those who experience success in the same change. Then learn to think freely, without the judgement and influence of those around you. It is a process. Embrace the transformation!  

Interviu Corina Hofs 03

You can find out more from Corina at the event on 12 October 2024, "Health in the Netherlands", organised by the Rompro Social Department. More details about the event coming soon on the social media pages!

Interview by Magda Mincu.

Magda has been based in the Netherlands since 2012 with her family. She is a translator by profession (predominantly from Dutch into Romanian) and has been part of the Rompro Foundation's marketing team since early 2022. She chose to volunteer with the Foundation primarily out of a desire to socialise with other Romanians living in the Netherlands, but also to help with information and translations.

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