What is BSN? The BSN or burgerservicenummer (source: English, Dutch) is the Dutch equivalent of the personal number code, a unique citizen's identification code assigned free of charge and automatically to anyone who registers in the Dutch register of persons, known as the BRP (Basisregistratie Personen, Dutch). Because the BSN is needed in all interactions with officials and institutions, and in almost every...

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Update: ROMPRO still supports online Dutch courses, but only the first month (October 2016) of the online school was free of charge. Details of the Dutch and Romanian courses can be found at Good news for those who want to learn Dutch! We will be organising a free interactive online course in October. The course is aimed at beginners (level A1-A2),...

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The verb "to (se) integrate", according to the Romanian Explanatory Dictionary, means: "to (se) include, to (se) incorporate, to (se) incorporate, to (se) harmonize into a whole". Integration was the topic discussed by Dana Popa and the nearly 75 participants at the workshops held in The Hague and Amsterdam during the launch of the Foundation Romanians for Romanians Netherlands. Dana Popa is both an intercultural therapist of...

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120 days since the Foundation started its activities. What has happened during this period? In the first 2 months, the main priorities were the crystallization of the Foundation's vision and the creation of the core organization; In the 3rd month we prepared the Foundation's launches for Romanians in the Netherlands; In the 4th month we organized the two launches (Den Haag and Amsterdam), we established...

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We collaborate. Alone we can't achieve much, together the possibilities are endless. We can be trusted. We do what we say, we are punctual, we have integrity, we are honest. We are competent, even if not always 'the best'. We are not afraid to ask when we don't know. We admit when we are wrong and learn from our mistakes. We accept failure and move on with humour. No one is perfect....

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